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Parents' Consultation (in person)

This event will take place between 3:50pm and 6:00pm on 06/11/2024


We are offering a “hybrid” system for our Parents’ Evenings again this term – with a choice of video calls or in-person appointments.   

We will be using the SchoolCloud Parents’ Evening System to book all appointments. Further details and instructions for how to book an appointment have been sent out to parents. 

Please ensure that you choose the correct evening depending on whether you want a video call or in-person appointment.  Video calls can be accessed by parents in different locations.

All appointments, regardless of type, are for 10 minutes.  Please note that appointments are for parents only so, if you are attending in person, please have childcare arrangements in place as we are unable to supervise children on site.

If you have any queries please contact the school office.