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Serving Others

We promote the children’s awareness of the local and wider communities by encouraging them to participate in acts of service and charitable and fundraising activities. Throughout the year, the children dedicate time and energy into thinking about other groups, in our community and beyond, who might need support.

School Choir.

We have a well-regarded school choir who take part in various events throughout the year. As well as animating acts of worship in school and church, the choir participates in concerts and events in the local community.  At Christmas we enjoy carol singing for residents of local care homes and at the “Carols Around the Tree” event we host for senior parishioners.  We also participate in concerts with the local Choral Society.  

Link School.

Through one of our teachers, we have established links with Kathini Primary School in Kenya.  We fundraise to provide the pupils with pens and exercise books as these are in short supply.

Charity Support.

The children take part in a number of fundraising activities across the year in order to support people not only in the developing world, but also in our local community. 

At Harvest, we collect and deliver produce.  We also support the work of the Dorking Foodbank by donating items and working in partnership as a referral agency for the family voucher system and the school holiday “boost bag” scheme.

During Advent, we raise money for ‘Mission Together’ whose motto is “Children helping Children”. Throughout the world children are learning about the role they can play in helping others. It is a simple idea but puts children at the centre of the Church’s work to help those in need.

We also raise money for the Cafod World Gifts campaign through our Christmas activities and participate in the annual “Children in Need” appeal.

During Lent, a season when we are called especially to think about almsgiving, each House Group chooses a charity they would like to support. The children plan and organise a fundraising activity for their chosen charity which take place on Fridays in Lent and we are always grateful for the generosity of response from our families.  For example, during Lenten seasons in the past, we have raised money for Kathini Primary School, Comic Relief, The Patchwork Garden Charity and Momentum (Childhood Cancer).


Within our R.E, History and Geography topics we spend time looking at the issue of Fairtrade across the world. Each class marks the annual Fairtrade Fortnight in September with a focus on topics promoting justice, fair wages and recognising our responsibilities as global citizens.